Emergency Shower/Eyewash Stations
Book an Inspection
The first 15 seconds after exposure to a hazardous substance are the most critical. Especially if that substance is corrosive. Delaying treatment by even a few seconds can cause serious injury.
Emergency showers and eyewash stations provide on-the-spot decontamination.
They allow workers to flush away hazardous substances that can cause injury. Levitt-Safety carries and maintains a complete range of emergency wash stations, eyewash and safety showers.
The first few seconds after contamination are very important. It is crucial that your eyewash stations and showers work properly at all times.
Our service technicians will make sure your emergency showers and eyewash stations meet ANSI/ISEA Z358.1-2014 standards. They will be ready to work at a moment's notice.
Only 1 in 5 emergency shower and eyewash stations work as expected
Plumbed showers and eyewash units should be tested each week to ensure they work properly. They should also be inspected once a year to meet ANSI/ISEA Z358.1-2014 requirements. Yet, many eyewash stations and emergency showers do not work as designed.
Learn why emergency wash station compliance matters with our blog 10 ways to tell your emergency shower and eyewash stations aren’t compliant.

Emergency safety shower and eyewash stations
Third-party reviews
Not sure where to start? Let us help.
At Levitt-Safety, our reviews consist of a comprehensive evaluation of the installation and condition of your equipment. A detailed inspection report shows all the problems with your emergency wash units. It also provides suggestions and possible causes for each issue.Annual ANSI Z358.1 Inspections
Our skilled service technicians can perform annual inspections. This ensures your emergency shower and eyewash stations are ready for use in an emergency. During an annual inspection, units are tested to meet the ANSI/ISEA Z358.1-2014 requirements. This ensures they work properly and perform well.
Reviews include:
- A thorough check for proper installation and activation to assess equipment performance requirements to ANSI/ISEA Z358.1-2014 standard.
- Detailed report with an executive summary of the current state of the equipment.
- Inspection report for each asset that identifies and documents compliance gaps, potential root causes and recommendations for fixes.
Equipment repairs and maintenance
Levitt-Safety has a large stock of parts ready. We can provide on-site service for your portable or plumbed system. Our service follows the manufacturer's specifications.
With a large inventory of parts on-hand, Levitt-Safety is equipped to provide on-site service to your portable or plumbed system in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications. Ensure your emergency stations are compliant with our Emergency Shower and Eyewash Station Checklist.
We hosted a webinar on everything you need to know about ANSI/ISEA Z385.1-2014. Want to see the full webinar? Watch the on-demand version below.
The audience had so many great questions, but we only had an hour to answer them, read our blog to see all the great answers.